Monday, February 6, 2012

Wow! Week six already??

Revelations to Resolutions

Paul writes, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  2 Timothy 4:7

Even in the midst of trial and suffering, Paul kept the faith and finished the race well.  Even against what seemed like overwhelming odds, he still finished well.  Paul had his eye on the eternal and his endurance came from a supernatural source.  I would like to be able to say that one day.   I would like to say that I moved around this world being about HIS business and finished the race well.  Right now I will seek His face daily and see what happens.......

Can't believe how fast these weeks have flown by.  I am having a blast with this journey.  I was especially tired this week but I knew that I would be.  I worked an extra shift at the hospital.  My running continues and increases weekly.  I barely finished my three chapters in time after many sleepy stops along the way.  You know, sleepy stops are when you realize you fell asleep during the third paragraph and then had to start over and reread the first, 2nd, AND the third!?!  The content was NOT boring, I was just THAT tired.  But I'm still in the race......

I must confess that the "holding someone's hand" goal was an easy one for me.  I am a nurse.  A nurse who was called.  I have held many hands over the years.  Working on the stroke floor was probably the hardest for me, So much frustration and confusion.  I work outpatient now and we move quickly.  I still see a great deal of suffering and must often make myself slow down to be the hands and feet of Christ.  I am very fortunate to work in an environment where slowing down to hold a hand and listen is not held against me.  

Week Six
February 5th-11th

1.  I will read one more chapter of my chosen book.
2.  I will run at least 6 miles this week.
3.  I will make contact with and pray for someone whom I have not talked to in awhile.

oh, and the weight thing worked out ok too, now if I could just stay away from those french fries.......

Blessed Journeys!!

1 comment:

  1. I am loving hearing about your journey! We need to have coffee or tea and visit sometime soon!

