Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week Eight

"Similarly, we are each given different gifts and talents by our Master.  The thing that matters most is how we use what we have been given, not how much we make or do compared to someone else.  What matters is that we spend ourselves."
Crazy Love by Francis Chan

yep, that's the one I picked.  If you have been following along, then you know that in January (week 4) I started reading one of those books shown in week five here.  I picked the one close to the bottom.  If you have never read Crazy Love then I highly recommend it.  I had no idea that the Ladies bible study we were about to start in the next weeks would so very much overlap with what I am reading.  Funny how that works! Ha!  We recently started the new Beth Moore study on James, and boy is my head spinning from the heaps of good stuff coming in.  Of course I also have experienced the spiritual attacks that come when you are on to something or when you are doing something right.  No matter how out of town my husband has been this month or how 'single parent' I might be feeling.  I am determined to keep going to this bible study and to stay on course.   After all, I don't want to miss the burning bushes.

Goals for Week Eight
February 19th-25th
1.  Run some more,
2.  Finish some homework, and
3.  Be available to spend myself....

Blessed Journeys!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Some running and some cookies

Week 7
February 12th - 18th
1.  I will read another chapter of my chosen book.
2.  I will run at least 6 miles this week
3.  I will not eat ALL the girl scout cookies

I'm late in getting this post finished and up, not because I grow weary of the adventure,  but because I haven't had a moment to myself to finish it.  I'm still really enjoying the challenges I'm facing.  My husband's job made me a single parent this weekend and on Sunday we learned of a daycare crisis that caused quite a scramble.  It all worked out though, but I am pooped and the week is only half way through.  When I am tired I tend to head for the chocolate, thus goal #3.  Those Thin Mints and Tagalongs are really calling my name.  

Oh, Taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!  
Psalm 34:8 ESV

Update on week 6
I ran 6.75 miles this week and I read my chapter.  My third goal was to make contact with someone who I hadn't talked to in awhile and to include them in my prayers.  My pantry filling Girl Scout cookies came in last week after I had written this goal,  and my mind went back to fond memories of camping, caving, and horses.  Of cookie selling, badges,  canoeing, and some awesome troop leaders.  I realized that my head leader is one person that I haven't talked to since possibly college, 20 years maybe.  Might even be more.  She played such an important part of my young life.  I am amazed at how far apart people drift over time.  I found her on Facebook.  I made contact and it was well received!! (teary eyed)  Sweet memories, I wish I could find a picture of those days.  I don't have a scanner that works but a good girl scout picture from the 80's is one worthy of trying, so I will see what I can do.  I know you are just dying to see my 80's hair,  or maybe not. :)  Anyway, this story is to be continued.  I hope to go to a reunion in March.  We will see.

Blessed Journeys!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Wow! Week six already??

Revelations to Resolutions

Paul writes, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  2 Timothy 4:7

Even in the midst of trial and suffering, Paul kept the faith and finished the race well.  Even against what seemed like overwhelming odds, he still finished well.  Paul had his eye on the eternal and his endurance came from a supernatural source.  I would like to be able to say that one day.   I would like to say that I moved around this world being about HIS business and finished the race well.  Right now I will seek His face daily and see what happens.......

Can't believe how fast these weeks have flown by.  I am having a blast with this journey.  I was especially tired this week but I knew that I would be.  I worked an extra shift at the hospital.  My running continues and increases weekly.  I barely finished my three chapters in time after many sleepy stops along the way.  You know, sleepy stops are when you realize you fell asleep during the third paragraph and then had to start over and reread the first, 2nd, AND the third!?!  The content was NOT boring, I was just THAT tired.  But I'm still in the race......

I must confess that the "holding someone's hand" goal was an easy one for me.  I am a nurse.  A nurse who was called.  I have held many hands over the years.  Working on the stroke floor was probably the hardest for me, So much frustration and confusion.  I work outpatient now and we move quickly.  I still see a great deal of suffering and must often make myself slow down to be the hands and feet of Christ.  I am very fortunate to work in an environment where slowing down to hold a hand and listen is not held against me.  

Week Six
February 5th-11th

1.  I will read one more chapter of my chosen book.
2.  I will run at least 6 miles this week.
3.  I will make contact with and pray for someone whom I have not talked to in awhile.

oh, and the weight thing worked out ok too, now if I could just stay away from those french fries.......

Blessed Journeys!!