Tuesday, February 24, 2009

About an Exodus

My favorite class my senior year was AP literature, and  my favorite college courses included literature.... and archery.  Go figure.  Sometime during these early young adult years I came across a poem that so moved me, .... I  cross-stitched it for a friend!!  I just knew she would like it also. Otherwise, I kept it sacredly hidden.   It became my "life poem"  if there could be such a thing.   The poem is below, as best as I can remember it:

All the Earth is crammed with heaven 
and every common bush aflame with God
but only those who see take off their shoes.

The rest sit around picking blackberries
daubing their faces unaware....

E.B. Browning

As a Christian, I was of course instantly drawn to Exodus and the story of the burning bush.  Thus the title of my blog.  I wondered at first if she meant to paint such a spiritual picture, but later learned that Mrs. Browning was passionate about her faith.  She taught herself Hebrew so that she could read  the Old Testament text.  Imagine such a task!  This must have been quite an accomplishment for a woman in her day.  

If you really stop and look at this story in Exodus, you will see that Moses had to first stop and then go over and check it out.  He went to take a look.......Implies action.

I can distinctly remember those many nights staring at the ceiling with tears rolling down my cheeks,  crying out to God as only a teen can do........I so desperately did not want to be one of those people who missed the chance to stop and go look.  I didn't want to miss it......anything.. ...the instructions, the moments, the taking off the shoes.  I wanted the great wide unknown future to be filled with shoeless moments.   What an odd thing for a young person to be thinking about.  Or is it?  I don't know.

 Those were desperate, desperate heart cries. Cries that only the heart utters and only the Lord understands.   That was so long ago, but I still get teary eyed when I think of some of those ceiling staring moments.   They were Holy moments......when the ancient story of an exodus and a burning bush  collides with the heart of a poet, who then slips off her shoes...... and puts pen to paper.   Enter stage left,  the tender heart of a Georgia teenager and well.........the story is not yet finished!!

I'm  Not a teenager anymore.   Have I missed any of those "burning bushes" that the Lord wanted to share with me during my own Exodus?   I'm positive that I have, but hopefully not many.  My trip is not yet over.   I'm still actively seeking, stopping,  and looking, and trying not to be distracted by all the "berry picking" that goes on all around.  

 I like symbolism--can you tell?:)  

Have a blessed, shoeless, holy moment kind of week!!



  1. Wow- that is good! I'm with you; I don't want to be a blackberry picker.

  2. This is a wonderful post! Really makes me think about things.

  3. Love this, Meredith...thank you for sharing your poem and your heart. Praying for both of us that we wouldn't miss the burning bushes in our lives while we're too busy eating blackberries. Oh, our God is good...may we not miss an ounce of His goodness. Thank you...thank you for your beautiful reminder.

  4. This is something I've thought a lot about over the last year or so. I don't want to miss any of those moments either.. I want to see them all! Unfortunately, I'm sure I've missed some but I am trying to be more and more aware.

    Have a great evening!

  5. This post just speaks volumes to my heart! I love that poem and how the Lord has ministered to you through it and His Word. I too want to be one of those who takes her shoes off and doesn't miss a thing!

    I am asking God to give me a "blessed, shoeless, holy moment kind of" life!! I love it!

